The Riverwave
Ebensee, Austria
- Hydrology
- Hydraulic Modeling – 2D & CFD
- Flood Analysis
- Alternatives Analysis
- Preliminary Design
- Final Design Support
- Physical model study
- Start-Up & Tuning
We developed the “next generation” WaveShaperTM in the Traun River Valley of Ebensee, Austria to create Europe’s biggest artificial river wave. Our design creates surf waves for more than 330 days a year in a wide range of river conditions. Surfers come year-round to test their skills on waves up to five-foot tall.
Europe’s biggest built river wave is a consistent, high performing river wave driven by fully adjustable WaveShaper technology that attracts tens of thousands of visitors every year – connecting people to the river and spurring significant economic benefits.
Key Project Highlights
- Consistent – Year-round surfing, with more than 330 days of surf waves per year
- Unmatched world-class surf waves at flows below 300 cfs to high flows of 5000 cfs+
- Banks and upland design create access and park spaces
- A Denil fishway allows for fish movement through the surf wave and canal
- An adjustable WaveShaperTM allows for surfing for users of every skill level, from beginner to pro level
“…the best manmade river wave in the world.”
Flori Kummer, professional river surfer